On assignment for Nadia magazine, we met the most wonderful farmers, the Wills, and their beautiful water buffaloes in dreamy Whangaripo Valley. The buffaloes freely graze on the 50 acres pasture and they produce milk, yoghurt and cheese that made me a huge fan. Batch-made blue cheese, pecorino style cheese, brie, labneh and thick creamy yoghurt. The buffaloes produce less milk than cows, about 4 litres per cow, but it has a very rich content which is higher in calcium and protein. The farm is chemical and spray-free and the herd share the grazing pasture with wild turkeys, quail and pheasants. It is always so wonderful to meet producers who are so passionate about their animals and produce. Their home in Whangaripo Valley is a converted rail office with views for days. My daughter flew a kite and flew from a tree on a rope, hiked to a nearby stream and soaked up all the country goodness while enjoying a buffalo milk chocolate paleta [milky choc ice cream]. I loved the halloumi and strawberries Annie gave us from the local Matakana market, where you can buy the Buffalo products.